The State of the Small Satellite Industry

Ten years ago the term “small satellite” could have as easily been a term of judgment as much as it was a term to describe a then emerging market.  Today we can no longer call the small satellite market small.  Quite the opposite, today’s small satellites are an industry that is growing exponentially necessitating the need for sound business and financial practices.   How much growth can come from small satellites and which segments and markets represent the greatest opportunities.   What type/s of capacity and services will work.  Importantly, how can small satellite companies stay relevant in increasingly competitive, but profitable markets.   Top executives will elaborate on their current investments and development strategies in the present business environment.  


Date: February 4, 2020 Time: 8:30 am - 9:15 am Dr. Chris Boshuizen
Operating Partner

DCVC - Data Collective
Tim Deaver
Director, US Space Programs

Airbus U.S. Space and Defense
Melissa Farrell
VP of Commercial Initiatives

Stellar Solutions
John Serafini
Chief Executive Officer

HawkEye 360
Janice Starzyk
Vice President of Commercial Space

Bryce Space and Technology
Dr. Marco Villa
President and COO

Tyvak Nan-Satellite Systems Inc.